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6.1 Appendix

Section 1-2

CSIRO (2022) Our Future World: Global megatrends impacting the way we live over coming decades
Climate Commission (2012) The Critical Decade
DCEE (2011) Climate Change risk to Coastal Buildings and Infrastructure, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
DPIRD (2019) Manjimup Agriculture and Food Strategy, WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
DPIRD (2020) Economic Development Action Plan for the Collie and Bunbury Regions 2020–2026, WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Deloitte (2017) Think like a Futurist: The key to ensuring organisational success in an uncertain future
Deloitte (2019) Tech Trends 2019: Beyond the digital frontier
Ernst & Young (2018) What’s after what’s next?
Hargrove K & Smith MH (2007) Introduction to Sustainable Development for Engineering and Built Environment Professionals
Hewlett Packard (2019) HP Megatrends
JTSI (2020) Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation
Kurt Cagle (2020) Ten Megatrends for 2020 (Revisited)
PWC (2016) Five Megatrends and Their Implications for Global Defense and Security
RDASW and SWDC (2014) South West Regional Blueprint
Regional Australia Standing Council (2012) Framework for Regional Economic Development
Sydney Business Insights (2017) What are megatrends and how they are shaping the future of business
United Nations (2019) Shaping Our Future Together

Section 3

ABARES (2020) Bunbury – About My Region, Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment
ABARES (2020) State of the Forests Report
ABARES (2020) Wine and wine grapes: December quarter 2020, Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment
ABS (2016) 2033.0.55.001 Census of Population and Housing: Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA), Australian Bureau of Statistics
ARC (2021) Australian Cultural and Creative Activity: A Population and Hotspot Analysis: Busselton, Australian Research Council led by Queensland University of Technology
BGGPP (2016) Bunbury Geographe Growth Plan, Bunbury Geographe Growth Plan Partnership
BoM (2020) State of the Climate 2020, Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government
CSIRO (2010) Climate analyses for south-west Western Australia: A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO South-West Western Australia Sustainable Yields Project, National Research Flagships
Calibre (2019) Bunbury Racecourses Local Area Plan, City of Bunbury
Climate Commission (2012) The crtical Decade - Western Australia’s climate change impacts, Australian Government
Commonwealth (2020) Centre for Population 2020, Population Statement Overview, the Australian Government, Canberra
DLPH (2020) Waterloo Industrial Park District Structure Plan, WA Planning Commission
DLPH (2021) WA Tomorrow Population Report No 11, Department of Lands, Planning and Heritage
DMIRS (2020) Western Australian Mineral and Petroleum Statistics Digest 2019-20, WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
DPC (2020) Collie’s Just Transition Plan, Department of Premier and Cabinet, WA Government
DoT (2013) Busselton Outer Bypass and Vasse Dunsborough Link Planning Studies, Main Roads WA
DoT (2020) Draft SW Supply Chain Strategy, Department of Transport
Guise L (2020) Bunbury Geographe Airport Master Plan 2020-2040, City of Bunbury
IA (2021) Infrastructure Australia, RDA Network update – Place-Based Outcomes for Users
IPCC (2021) AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis
MRW (2020) Margaret River Exports, Wine Australia Export Report
NSC (2020) Education and Employment, National Skills Commission, Australian Government
PWC (2020) The Impact of 5G: Creating New Value across Industries and Society, World Economic Forum
RAI (2019) Regional Population Growth – Are we ready? Regional Australia Institute
Radcliffe B (2020) How Education and training Affect the Economy, Investopedia
SWDC (2018) Bunbury Geographe: A region of opportunity for advanced manufacturing, South West Development Commission
Smithies R & Bailey J (2019) WA Creative Industries: An Economic Snapshot, BYP Group for the WA Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Southern Ports Authority (2022) Port Master Plan
Summary for Policymakers, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations
TRA (2020) Regional Tourism Satellite Account 2018-19: Topline Results for WA, Prepared by Tourism WAStrategy and Research
Tredwell (2021) Unbeaten Tracks Connecting Our Capes Trails Master Plan
UN (2015) Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Section 4-5

ABARES (2019) Insights: Australia’s Forest Industry, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, Department of Agriculture
AMR (2020) Sustainable Economy Strategy 2021-2025, Shire of Augusta Margaret River
Bun-Geo (2021) Key Investment Initiatives, Values and Outcomes, Bunbury-Geographe, City of Bunbury
Busselton (2020) Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030, City of Busselton
CSIRO (2017) Strategic foresight for regional Australia: Megatrends, scenarios and implications, CSIRO and the Department of Infrastructure, Cities and Regional Development
CoB (2020) Economic Development Action Plan 2020-23, City of Bunbury
CoB (2021) Local Housing Strategy, City of Bunbury
CoreLogic (2022) Coastal Risk Scores for Financial Risk Assessment Australia
Dardanup (2020) 2050 Vision, Shire of Dardanup
DoIRD (2014) Trends – Infrastructure and Transport to 2030, Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
DoITARD (2020) Growing a Strong and Resilient Regional Australia, Regional Ministerial Budget Statement 2020-21, Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
DoT (2020) South West Supply Chain Strategy, WA Department of Transport
FIFWA (2019) Djarlma Plan for the Western Australian Forestry Industry, Federation of Forest Industries WA
FPC (2019) Djarlma Plan for the Western Australian Forestry Industry: A Framework for Action 2019–2030, Forest Products Commission and Federation of Forest Industries WA
IA (2021) Infrastructure Priority List: Project and Initiative Summaries, Infrastructure Australia
IWA (2020) A Stronger Tomorrow: State Infrastructure Strategy Discussion Paper, Infrastructure WA
L Guise (2020) Bunbury Geographe Airport Master Plan 2020 – 2040, Across Planning
Martin G (2021) Striving for a point of difference, WA Business News
RAI (2019) Regional Growth Prospects: What this means for Western Australia, Regional Australia Institute
RAI (2019) The Future of Regional Jobs, Regional Australia Institute
RAI(2019) Our Regions Rising – Policy Hack Outcomes, Regional Australia Institute
SWDC (2018) Bunbury Geographe: A region of opportunity for advanced manufacturing, Bunbury Geographe Growth Plan Partnership
SWDC (2018) Port2Prosperity, ‘Opportunities for containers and other cargo’, South West Development Commission
Sakalayen Q (2014) The Strategic Role of Australian Regional Ports in Regional Development, University of Tasmania
WALGA (2019) Collaboration Integration Alignment Advantage: Economic Development Framework
WAPC (2019) Waterloo Industrial District Structure Plan, Western Australian Planning Commission
WAPC (2020) Draft Bunbury-Geographe sub-regional planning strategy, Western Australian Planning Commission
WAPRES (2021) Advanced Timber Manufacturing Hub, WA Plantation Resources and 3RT
WBAC (2020) Warren-Blackwood Sub-Regional Growth Plan, Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils
WBAC (2022) Warren Blackwood Subregional Climate Change Action Plan, Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils

6.2 Document Process

6.3 Consultations

Section 1-2

Australia’s South West (Regional Tourism Organisation)
Catrin Allsop
Bunbury Turf Club
Alex Doble
Bunbury-Geographe Economic Alliance
Brant Edwards
Chamber of Minerals & Energy
Sharon Upston
SW Manager, Mining/Resources
City of Bunbury
Mal Osborne
City of Busselton
Mike Archer
Dept of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Troy Jones
Regional Manager
Dept of Primary Industries & Regional Development
Jon Berry
Dept of Water and Environmental Regulation
Krish Seewraj
Planning Advice Program
Development WA
Matthew Whyte
SW Manager
ECU South West (Bunbury Campus)
Lyn Farrell
Edith Cowan University
Cobie Rudd
Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice-President
Federation of Forest Industries WA
Ian Telfer
Harvey Water
Bradd Hamersley
Port of Bunbury, Southern Ports
Lee Smith
Regional Manager
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
Stephanie Addison-Brown
Shire of Boyup Brook
Dale Putland
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
Tim Clynch
Shire of Capel
Robert Stewart
Shire of Collie
Stuart Devenish
Shire of Dardanup
Andre Schonfeldt
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
Ben Rose
Shire of Harvey
Annie Riordan
Shire of Manjimup
Andrew Campbell
Shire of Nannup
David Taylor
South West CCIs
Rob Skipsey
South West Catchments Council
Sally Wilkinson
South West Development Commission
Mellisa Teede
CEO, and executive team
St John of God Hospital
Jeffrey Williams
Wadandi Elders
Ernie Hill
Western Power
Neil Chivers, Grid Transformation
Naomi Evans
Head nbn Local WA